Future Votes: Safeguarding elections in the digital age
In October 2024, the SRI co-hosted a half-day event with The Dais and Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst to address election integrity, cyber security, and disinformation in the age of AI. The result was The Future Votes report, a reflection of key insights and recommendations for policymakers on how we can practically protect our democratic elections.
Schwartz Reisman Institute Leaders Join Canada's Push for Safe AI
SRI Director David Lie and Co-Chair David Duvenaud were appointed to Canada’s new Safe & Secure AI Advisory Group. Their expertise will help shape policies at this crucial time in AI's development and contribute to Canada's efforts to keep these powerful technologies safe.
New cohort of SRI faculty affiliates and postdocs announced for 2025
The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society (SRI) is thrilled to welcome eight new faculty affiliates and three new postdoctoral fellows to its vibrant research community.
Roger Grosse and Marzyeh Ghassemi awarded AI2050 fellowships to advance research on beneficial AI
Schmidt Sciences has named SRI Chair Roger Grosse and Faculty Affiliate Marzyeh Ghassemi to its 2024 cohort of AI2050 Fellows. The program funds senior researchers and early career scholars to address a wide range of global challenges in AI.
Call for 2025 Schwartz Reisman Institute Graduate Fellowships now open
The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society has launched its call for graduate fellows, open to all University of Toronto graduate students whose research explores the social impacts of new technologies.
SRI partners with Data Sciences Institute on “Toward a Fair and Inclusive Future of Work with ChatGPT”
Despite the growing use of ChatGPT, we lack a method to evaluate its performance and potential risks. SRI Associate Director Lisa Austin, Faculty Fellow Shion Guha, and Faculty Affiliates Anastasia Kuzminykh and Shurui Zhou are setting out to study and analyze the impact of generative AI on a wide range of communities. Learn more about "Toward a Fair and Inclusive Future of Work with ChatGPT."
Schwartz Reisman Institute announces new faculty affiliates for 2024-25
Get to know the 15 new faculty affiliates joining the SRI research community for the 2024–25 academic year. The new cohort of affiliates has expertise in a variety of fields across social sciences, humanities, and STEM disciplines, including geography, psychology, information studies, management, criminology, sociology, history, cultural studies, public health, physiology, pharmaceutical sciences, computer science, and engineering.
David Lie appointed Director of SRI; David Duvenaud and Roger Grosse appointed Schwartz Reisman Chairs in Technology and Society
World-leading computer security expert David Lie will take on the role of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society’s (SRI) director, while two renowned AI safety experts—Roger Grosse and David Duvenaud—are being appointed Schwartz Reisman Chairs in Technology and Society.
Schwartz Reisman Institute announces 2024 fellowship recipients
The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society is proud to welcome four new faculty fellows and 15 graduate fellows from across the University of Toronto. SRI fellowships support interdisciplinary research projects that build new approaches to examine the complex relations between technology and society.
Nicolas Papernot’s research on AI regulation garners early career award from Schmidt Sciences
SRI Faculty Affiliate Nicolas Papernot is using a protocol borrowed from cryptography to develop a technical framework in preparation for possible AI regulation. For this multidisciplinary collaborative project that also includes SRI researcher Lisa Austin, Papernot received an AI2050 Schmidt Sciences Early Career fellowship.
New SRI/PEARL survey now published, reveals worldwide public opinion about AI
A new report report shares findings on opinions about artificial intelligence (AI) in 21 countries. GPO-AI reveals varying, diverse and region-specific attitudes about the use of artificial intelligence, and topics of focus in the survey include job loss, deepfakes, and state regulation. The project was led by SRI Associate Director Peter Loewen, and features contributions from SRI Graduate Fellow Blake Lee-Whiting.
How will AI change our world? U of T podcast explores technology’s impact on society
SRI Research Lead Beth Coleman and SRI Faculty Affiliate Rahul Krishnan are co-hosts of the new podcast “What Now? AI”. Coleman and Krishnan explore—and demystify—artificial intelligence and its impact on society with the help of leading experts. Guests include Gillian Hadfield, Roger Grosse, Christine Allen, and Andrew Pinto.