Announcement, Research Schwartz Reisman Institute Announcement, Research Schwartz Reisman Institute

Schwartz Reisman Institute announces new fellowship recipients for 2022

Four new faculty fellowships and fifteen new graduate fellowships have been awarded by the Schwartz Reisman Institute to outstanding researchers from the University of Toronto. SRI fellowships are awarded to support interdisciplinary research that develop new lines of inquiry and innovative solutions to ensure that advanced technologies will benefit society.

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Commentary, Research Milagros Miceli and Julian Posada Commentary, Research Milagros Miceli and Julian Posada

The data-production dispositif: How to analyze power in data production for machine learning

What are the labour conditions involved in sourcing the data used by machine learning systems? New research from Milagros Miceli (DAIR Institute) and Julian Posada (Faculty of Information) explores how companies outsource their data annotation work, the implications of precarious labour conditions for data workers, and why respecting workers’ rights will yield better data.

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Events, Research Morgan MacInnes Events, Research Morgan MacInnes

Algorithms and the justification of power

In a recent SRI Seminar, philosopher Seth Lazar of Australian National University explored the implications of the widespread use of algorithms in digital public spaces, and the questions they raise for governance, power, and justification. SRI Graduate Fellow Morgan MacInnes reflects on Lazar’s presentation.

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Research Dan Browne Research Dan Browne

Inaugural SRI Faculty Fellows build bridges between disciplines and forge new areas of research

Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, SRI’s inaugural cohort of Faculty Fellows (2020–2021) engaged important questions at the intersection of technology and society through research, output, and connection with the SRI community, developing new approaches towards the study of environmental justice, data privacy, democratic engagement, and learning.

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Research Schwartz Reisman Institute Research Schwartz Reisman Institute

Learning from machines: Karina Vold on what technology can teach us about being human

SRI Faculty Affiliate Karina Vold explores the intersections between philosophy and artificial intelligence, the relationship between humans and their tools, and the social and ethical implications of new technologies like GPT-3. As her research shows, technology has a lot to teach us about what it means to be human, and making sense of new tools sometimes requires—and creates—new concepts and ideas.

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Events, Research Lillio Mok Events, Research Lillio Mok

How algorithms can strengthen democracy: Ariel Procaccia on designing citizens’ assemblies

The practice of sortition, in which random selection is used to generate citizens’ assemblies, is a method of political representation as old as democracy itself. In a recent SRI Seminar, Harvard professor Ariel Procaccia discussed how better algorithms can ensure this process accurately represents population demographics. SRI Graduate Fellow Lillio Mok reflects here on the implications of Procaccia’s research.

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Events, Research Schwartz Reisman Institute Events, Research Schwartz Reisman Institute

SRI Graduate Fellows invite submissions for 2022 workshop, “Technologies of trust”

The 2022 Schwartz Reisman Graduate Workshop invites graduate and early career scholars to present their work at a one-day, virtual event on June 20th, as part of Absolutely Interdisciplinary 2022. Organized by SRI’s Graduate Fellows, this year’s workshop centers on the theme of trust, broadly defined, and its relationship to technology and society.

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Events, Research Marco Monteiro Silva Events, Research Marco Monteiro Silva

SRI Kitchen Table explores data rights in a world of power imbalances, mass surveillance, and super-powered facial recognition

In the Schwartz Reisman Institute’s inaugural Kitchen Table event, Research Lead Wendy Wong and Faculty Fellow Anna Su hosted a wide-ranging discussion on the implications of human rights for data ownership and privacy, and how we can address the challenges of writing new rules for an increasingly digital world.

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Events, Research Vinyas Harish Events, Research Vinyas Harish

Hope, faith, and stories: What betting, witchcraft, and craftsmanship in rural Bangladesh teaches us about ethical pluralism and decolonizing AI

In a recent SRI Seminar, Faculty Fellow Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed demonstrated how the dominant model of AI ethics is insufficient to strengthen the voices of local communities in the Global South. Ahmed contends scholars should move away from “universal” notions of intelligence, and foster situated ethical practices that take into account local hopes, faith, and stories.

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Research Schwartz Reisman Institute Research Schwartz Reisman Institute

Why we shouldn’t “move fast and break things”: Shion Guha on the benefits of human-centered data science

SRI Faculty Affiliate Shion Guha joined U of T’s Faculty of Information in 2021 to help develop its new program in human-centered data science, a nascent field that he has co-authored a new textbook about. In this interview, Guha reflects on the challenges of using algorithmic decision-making in public policy, and how to make better data-driven systems by incorporating human-centered design.

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